Sunday, June 28, 2009


I love DOCNA.

The courses aren't as challenging as USDAA, in my opinion, so for me that's good. It allows me to practice my newfound handling skills without the added challenge of remembering the course or having too many off courses, refusals, etc.

I entered Killy in Jumpers and Standard on Saturday and Jumpers, 2 Standards, Gamblers and Trigility on Sunday.

We were awesome. I was handling for once. It felt like we were a team. He was so responsive in the Standard on Saturday, that I pulled him off a jump, but I was happy because he was paying attention! We had 1 Q in Jumpers on Saturday, on Sunday we Q'd in Gamblers (he was the only Q in Intern), Trigility and 1 Standard. The second Standard and Jumpers, he wasn't focused and he wasn't collecting, so he was going wide, missed a contact in Standard, just not pretty, but at least I know why and I can work on the focus piece. He needs to pay attention! I had perfect contacts all weekend except the last Standard and I think it was position. For all the others, I was handling the aframe, the last one, I was behind him and not in front to handle it. That means more work on my body position.

Lacey was perfect! I really mean that as she ran 3 runs on Saturday (100% Q Rate!!!!) and 4 runs on Sunday only missing 1 aframe contact for her only NQ. She qualified 6/7 runs. I have never had that success with her. I really think Stacey's tips are helping and I am learning how to handle. She not only q'd, but had the fastest times in most of the classes, not just in her jump height and division. Today she ran a Beginning Standard course in 21 Sec!!! Amazing!. The next dog (also a BC) was about 23 1/2 sec. I ran her in the North America Challenge and she qualified for Nationals! I have both dogs qualified now, so I really want to go.

I didn't get any video. It was too hot and the trial was so small, everyone really had to pitch in and help.

USDAA Wasatch Agility Trial

Where to start.....Wow is a good word. This event was a 4 Star Event and really drew a diverse crowd. I got to see some top handlers from around the country compete and it was really awesome to watch them run their dogs.

As I think back over the weekend, Overall Killy and I ran well. I didn't handle some things, so those things fell apart.- no brainer there, huh??? The team classes were really tough for us, good feedback that we are not quite ready to run courses at that level of difficulty, but really fun to try and a good way to know what we need to keep working on and working towards.

I have started running Lacey again....and she is doing awesome!!! I had semi-retired her and was letting my daughter run her in ASCA and DOCNA, but after running her when I went to Stacey P-G's and in a workshop, I thought I would give it a try. As my handling improves (Thank You Stacey P-G!!!! You are an awesome teacher:)), I have been having more success running her.

I ran her in P3 Standard and P3 Snooker for the weekend. We had no Q's (she's a little rusty in the weaves and contacts always require maintenenace) in Standard. Snooker she was great, I didn't support the #6 tunnel and she pulled in and took the off course Aframe. Otherwise, it was a great run.